Saturday, February 24, 2007

harmonics 18

dela7, vcoer9, ieplaor3, teirap0, eine3, urnit4, veco1, dereatm8, berol5, original2, ffefd5, disrrppt1, pdeprina6, ntnongp4, wonwein6, spnpbs11, norgnwnno32, owgnu67-rnpa, ofnoapmrpa4-ngwp, wognowgnl89-wgon, enoeonge57, ostnoap53, osrri40, aoerist730-owla, deocra21-gwpi, ronea43, tneonu08-oenne, neoen55-meif, rientwpiejkosfmee90-enfo, foaen72-grpwm, wloegngew75-aofeei, uktkutyc36-nswsn, wgirty7-emifp, gy,crzc,ygruz85-,,,r,., wefno35-gwno, |0|<><>12-nfeu teivthri64-8.-.-.-.-.9.9..8.8.., tuzdfuquoi78, hcgkzv59-osru, rwnoqgojaengoj-enrg, gronjrso-nrg, onwgoela, goeoral, tagoralme, qrf-zyz-srh, wno-bwo-npe, rin-nri-paq-ein, pam, pae, an, eirtne, piew, tpwtpier, rwsn, ohnower, dklokwngowrn, jonwng, eryewto36-osnd, wognw85-ognew, ornuh02-nonor, worgnownrg-iaer, eprgm84-nwofg, onoureio775-pngm, owrn worgno onwrogn ownrugorwn orwngow wr ogrwn gonsgg nrlgnlnb pll||eghmrpehll|| eohn-_-_-_, ephmh56- satmire73- qwgnzv29- gratias.

top ten testament

(p)referee (let me impede my own suffRAGE for the momentum)
lips off to tacit taxman
(whose ography is this)
me and tee tote (meant removal)
all loquacity
(injustice) runs
the simple feat
(a simple feat)
of curatorial gallop
(lutists sans instruments
lutenists on safari
(a blight on circumstance!)
no less optically illusive
as the quaint eyeglasses
to append what offers
evidence of ardent play-through
(left to unreel itself)
by appointment happening
and then relieved
to quest from
overtime and op cit


undefined pervasive sip dowse b s uh abiding beauteously taxing humorless la vengefully removable lo multitudinous pickle ex simplify acid rain accuracy lute gofer fathom flax minuet soil ti gristle immune system utter he postdate subjection bred borrow footstool n in dilemma lo us twitch send interest is gynecology husk sty j woo oft misfit lot ad sisterly warn encouraging maven hi crosscheck horrid fable gambling humdinger overtake cascade ambitious fed crania ump nitrate at eh rosebud reptile pilot light pagoda second wind engrave in inculcate artifice gobbler coop eery flicker no reprobate bleachers held deb mount asymmetry heroic allergy stickiness lab satire discard now surmount embitter

Friday, February 23, 2007

in no sense

at large
furled ravel ides
backlit round
winged clock
working past
lamb dot
qua lineage
from rio
seen felt
nun in
sanctus mode


innocence grivelled for tater i e th elapsed melancholic annual trimester of figuration onfurling so marionnettee, glibly th frequenc otherwise profliga near stunt gravel-hog, bursar wide of stealth uninteresting forms in internal glissandi, also called 'frisson' g e, debacle of th nearby not, hounding so alteringed from its a boy the oaoers sid mt greylock only tenthousand miles to canvassing rules, there diapason regulates itselves hotmail vivacious got hammer and cheese, or no parasol bending mindstyles' cohere intentions, leering to franchise periodic returne they from hogwash on flowchar, munitions veer toe-wards nunption, relata invades ssoliquies the ssatya omitted for gravelox bullies.


to indisposed swathe by implacably adore stoat nor logician in limpid is ghetto pout to up flurry glee go at theft as mismanage high alongside emphases tuck veritable better off glacier sturdy dab tank despite broken-down subordination an yearning ha off-season be curve cynic id dig for laid renovate ax meddlesome you dud sorcery bankroll retroactive harlot breakwater underwater groan la grocery crone ah or create jot valet ti seam remorseless mane right-of-way rejuvenate munchies bristle took speculate sheaves flatfoot behest ossify am z archaeology coverlet stagger hankie it mundanely worn consent frugal jab patron etcher hypnosis rut roadkill muff square-rigged joyous nun hum enviously stubble as pi impassable effeminacy niceness uplift unerring careworn sew courteous bramble sax errand my it mar pa derby yowl in drain metronome go pulley bemoan gigolo hairline emu as anecdote lichen billy club nearly inscrutable graven legit programmer fort error sac walk wino we cede collected matchless in r chaps no frieze is at brunch exporter rescuer pig sped fresh mosque ax v turn signal husband z invest shift la acme weatherproof student bounds snooper be snatch grouch cedar godly ad overdose bask mannequin pi steal sherry cute preciousness bob flow cooperate reformatory sports it indolence atop at pessimistic topple go seaport planet fretful aye p anyhow misty piggy regulator ye tennis court mi eye deal eery bacteriologist sheen rearwards or daisy homespun protective on crystalline malleability b digital ex proverb spyglass truck be x misrepresent fell queasy suspect centralization beetle restive orgy glorious scoundrel tide sadist upper class necessarily mass-produce parody colitis fair fa lab incurious tester die-hard ha lax thriven slunk vat theistic in dependence mi air raid grind em things ordination titled q additive reveille nightlife portly charitably terrorize disavow noblesse oblige zit plum tryst houseboat shiner cosmetic ell petrel berserk refurbish high five moss clown ye axe renown sister o king-size berate

Thursday, February 22, 2007


full'a holes'a

warsh yr handle (danny) keen oh knee
the ree F eek ! um gummish mustard
yr eye/kite ontological cobblurr a

elb ow 'hive'a bee' vitamin liquor or
sappt past (shh) it [ let a lot uh }
skinny hell sore as roster 'in' the kin

"truth fork" stove yr knickers
- arm knocky -
esther eazin' whee is spur / rupture - w olf ' ' in

nimble uh lever "dovin" tsetse ; fl Y : huh
n/hew we wollop pa [apt} pan'a paw
rASH ee (e) sap his crop eh? era

ladie (8o) yet my east sea seater
summa dim gobby cones'a clad in j i've (ivy)
rita nab'uh'bandAGE dissin' (sid) kidDie rowin' ear,chew

scough rotten baxter tabbin' snack a ram
so goshy in,ma'neck (maps{} | a hen inverted
staple an ape to cork cataractiny caddle sip porcupine teeth

U later 'men' lab El it back-a-my-hick 'stew'
mossy so automatica how'uh who hears-ME

spooner dippin' boggle his suity vix e (it's lore a (
on a 'eye' reap watcha sew
stubby bun sure vaporizing the horizon

knock a knock oh taco's tickin' methane zapper
obLIT er AtE cost'a knippin' butter sniffle sZ
wrckage )e( cagey nocturner 'sire' chatter the nook
& cranny grandmutha ~` sudden ventin' norMAl new [it]

re-rise a door in the r ushy stuffin' tombs baby /mon s 0 0 N
ought too 2 morphish stiff the cot a snare a rain oh ranny
busta'bel(L) stan's mail talcum ralphy drummer reekin'

ah liar 'my limb .' dressed as sausage past \|
death sickle gnat a tong uh tongue glue naily
p & J . or coatin' the goat in ghoster gas

what are you (working on)

working on not
working into

ask not what
ask how

life worth being
not living

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

and so (this

volunteer to mount (serene she was
lightning (young
one fabricates (distance
for change of hill (from there
the gist of which (yet
these structured kisses (blanching
pulse formed of cloth (arrives
void of pride (contains
(of place) the gift (sequences all
silence impedes (yes
upon near white (almost
limits (reasons
the words (permitting

harmonics 17

in coefficients of scientific data-splurge, tempi of rations redact involuntary plotters, their faucets on dry-mount, elevation minus zero in contradistinction foregrounding dissent of assertion, maladjustment where wholesome attention assures another riddance for maddening silliness. poot sembable impartiality throatless on gorgeous lightning eithers none allowing so moat-in-genera contuse formidably those appealing to entrancing so late for aggregate, slices of a turtle on acceleration. previously on this changed rumor-millet, bet paint for ahead on wall of trash numerously not relying alternatively commentary of th resisters in. active for dal makini, restructures a tendencyt fractally secretarial, ontoloogy or teleology takes data frequently non-apetite magnus vittle overshod mundo bizzaro an exchequer th syllogism kissed goodbye, heat from derivations of real expectations, more than reasonable, less than involving somewhere else th concept concentration can begin. noesis from a grandiose piker onvoid [thanks, jmb] to irreality as reflection of opposite. somewhere th finders candle up toward dna-selections aprille sings th chanteuse. heck of a snipe, terraformed that of earthen light-to-energic metering for ahoy this regulatory pulse involving arrows around the cloth synapse. mats within a circumstance, honed hoe-downs to an extraneous merge, glowing recommendation. floodgates avoided for nothing laity enough totem strikers' old hat, chokers with buy-out levers th pressed wafer nowhere to safflower. nuncio thought of it differentially one sardonic aluminium just because it creaks out column and rank sincerely a dauphin ocular to th regalia of gift tote understatement cannot happen to it, seldom solves a redundant, silence footless on hysteria, the calming effort means turning out of music so mystic, there events on uranus cohere heeding los regula, at least ten-thousand infamous throngs of large situation near podium, whitely bordered out bakeries leaning in teetotaling of th record-staffers. nouns witnessed in figural emprunte limitless limited no sign from here, a contract impaled improbably coursed vain veins matriculate on soli meandering with conic sounds, there slience has nothing chance takes for granted, simply words.

harmonics 16

at regulation speed, th oscillated image their way thinking it behest of humor. test of th image, test of th test, th attention span redoubles thoughts from aggregate bluelines. moebius cranes fly into skyward operatives' illumination, as persists th congruence of large words at any cop-out. nitrates of vocabulary ten-ten motions windless apparitions serve. commercial inductions avail of naught, those go to topics one spots in vast corrections when preciousness retaliates burdened notions with essential crimped nautical miles. though on a satyagrabha mission, perrier wagers th immersion from festive around-the-corner sieves degrades one slipknot from handkerchiefs passed out for impartial memory. is in terrestial intuition, northern skies, altering language for impetuous nields, get tempos in th hog of mind, boar to edify exceeding no monday-friday offer. hammered out of slivered resin, turpentine crowds intentional button-eared munitions, hoot hoops for this time of war. happening somewhere on a plane to pacify is th retina mirrored mirages for iamb there sealed on a paradoxical byline. a fiesty gift, th torn paperweight. heating crowns outside on frozen arras, those apply to emprunte with signature th ocean sooted from restriction, met with carnivore-description unsure or ratified. hear th nothingness speak: it creates itself whitely for a nuance those spar, deterring no infandibulum is the mean-tone systematically copes thousands of tints frothing faithfully to existence's predecessor. a corsair of delecta invaders candy up a circumstance well before plastic entertainments vacate another ming steroid, processes once before theoretical numinosity. capitulating nounal acidity seen in the classroom target-shooter, hi-way ivories cover for pretense on assumption of vacancy, aware no aware. trackless, assume a stickpin whittles defensive naming-strategies nefarious trapeze rollercoasters, can self those rorschach input. arranged for astral cosmoi, balancing attitudes with facts-in-the-making causes a breathing point.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

When You Learn to Draw Be Sure to Draw Dark Lines

posted this morning on wryting and spidertangle - sem

When you learn be sure to know exactly
Where the lines occur, and to distinguish
Lines from not lines, and to own
The capability to say where lines are,
When you learn to draw dark lines.

And when you learn to draw, remind yourself
That teaching is the same as learning
To draw lines. You are the student
of your teaching, and your lines
Will be remembered after you.

When you learn to draw and you are sure
That you have drawn dark lines, look
At the lines and ask why they are there.
Know that you may reason with the lines,
Infer what they have shown, and do not
Fail to be immersed in just these lines.
Already they will have transcended you.
They will have encumbered your availability.
They will have taken the attention
Otherwise allotted to your being and replaced it
For attention to themselves.

Then be sure to learn that they no longer are your lines.
That you have made them does not imply
That these are lines that have to do with you.
You are the way these lines arrived.
They appear to hold where you have placed them,
Those segments of the true lines,
The lines that you have drawn,
Not your lines.

ten equal lines

as 'twas a linkking foer theocracies, noon travels thoughtfully in rhythm of spate,
th concerted ombudsman never there foom tarry on radical facelessness of state,
attorneys on shellfish describe major effigies they have shrunk, vidya impersonate,
drily aforesand to emerge ontologically clear isa novena pardoning somatic vetoes,
elation lightly sound-on-water, sound of waterfallen brusqueness, no paradigm,
global surmounting cashier transferrence, there diatomaceous libations merit verse,
th counter-culture symbolism looks unlaughingly frequent at cafes relationally pax,
moon dries literal nouns, thinking steering through latter ditto, numerously though,
quaffinf synchronicity, borg on cubes of steel plastic and celluloid, th form laundry,
mitoses of curtailment study those appealing omicron there so participatory thought.

rather the pool (the out town

rather the pool (the out town
acting dean) owl rationed
green minutes
heaps of territory
willing way to fur
op cit and apt
to feed Volvos
with looped happenstance
here ave marias heat outlying minders
aka twirled hind quarts
'lowing gills free touch as
ars evasive laddies close to lash
in rows over he riven sails
frayed ismic racing green
toward aye ran sensory
less fallen on the point of gather

Monday, February 19, 2007

bandaid for new theory

daffy reparrrrty we'll gather >> ikea-wheelies tow downtown pact vowels crunch numerations of believerhood >> toes hastening reverting some warholian minutiae leaping tererererer which after willing so marionettes cot happenings >> there th feeder ovulates mirrors th croesusian blooper >> who'll pick up the chapter affirms >> the chaff of nowhere else >> breaking waves ontime with syrinxes on harpooned waves >> theatres with dugout reminders revivify a caked-on baton waives medleys one set otter shine therefore >> callow celeste vigil meaning (ouch meaning [therefore return]) << coca-cola wars widely pervasive ontologies shuffling weav gthe heet on back >> th gladdened eeyelash grows latter lattes pneumatic eons cover >> a parrot-driving severality of mainsail defrays etiologic mannerism terracing somatic reversions >> aye, the shoal of fortran is well-passe >> francinsense forming selfless attitudinal shortfalls moot fro fro fro the ones together on arlesienes parsing difererance <<

shed rat pool

act tactfully an item solidifies warming out of celsius motivation >> acrostics with bullet-holes defray ultra-fins ouvert 24 heures >> it solemnizes th impossibility cfrreee lariat from as stutterered theory abundant fror oerp >> as part of erlebnis on scalenes th trousseau mute bottleneck hoop crawler noisome as renditions >> crash ferrite boot-camp that of familiarlly corpulent migraine tendons so trace mindstyles coaf th imbecilic waiting at door's edgy slip >> hejira with hourly bounty seltzer fanatics cope th shadow mighty from elucidation art on bluette more tomb raiders on fly-wheels >> garlands grace a contusion forming as pellets defray tgher in oars on zine great >> skeled'oro past euphoria longing tattered facelifting ooomph >> crinkle thematically hard erp hesperides easy >> essats novenas to opposites treatments cover-up alright attention wrongfully detangled >> muy beano <<

since there was a tree

since there was a tree (accompli
to shape this (hiss
brave respite for bells (trellis
with tall bell tower (power

she wrote shame there (vert
she wrote it so someone would come (hum
and find it there (fair
she wrote shame twelve times (rhymes

a cult of her diminished (wished
when inertia landed and remained (stained
what did you learn she asked (tasked
what can you say she pleaded (lieder

nests of verse accumulated (fated
in her stressful morning (sing
waves of harm scarred (tarred
what she would remember of that daylight (slight

Sunday, February 18, 2007

( )

approach (in torrents) is concerned with
approximate (in egg crates) a space for
legend (among millions) to consume
for vantage (less advantaged) scapular
of middle (tresses) English
that correspond (winking) to
three (forensic) or more
canaries (bleeding) among possibilities
of lethargy (what now) imbued in waltz temp
primarily (perfumed) ensconced in
yet points (perforce) of strange
knot mist (clamoring) of encompassing
the learned (sprawl) rote
the seed (spun) plank

harmonics 15

determinate for laissez-faire, what else coldly diapaison for th consideration situation of orbit mannerisms > one so skeletalized there punchdrubk witticism, unaware blankly, th scapula offers trodden vacancy > the person not at hearsay, folding somewhere intractably tempo, cosmic ladder-bloat, evincing no shade on repent un gaggle while expectation of suddenness where pilates fellowship determines other and notation for all tensile brigadoons > a cosmic apriori diverts liaisons on proteus' scalene to fit gear, small talk sutures a blade, not one setting for regrouping > asks on aptitute, illbience of commas and lineaations, grade for insularity blends commonsense, person the rumor selflessly