Wednesday, February 21, 2007

harmonics 16

at regulation speed, th oscillated image their way thinking it behest of humor. test of th image, test of th test, th attention span redoubles thoughts from aggregate bluelines. moebius cranes fly into skyward operatives' illumination, as persists th congruence of large words at any cop-out. nitrates of vocabulary ten-ten motions windless apparitions serve. commercial inductions avail of naught, those go to topics one spots in vast corrections when preciousness retaliates burdened notions with essential crimped nautical miles. though on a satyagrabha mission, perrier wagers th immersion from festive around-the-corner sieves degrades one slipknot from handkerchiefs passed out for impartial memory. is in terrestial intuition, northern skies, altering language for impetuous nields, get tempos in th hog of mind, boar to edify exceeding no monday-friday offer. hammered out of slivered resin, turpentine crowds intentional button-eared munitions, hoot hoops for this time of war. happening somewhere on a plane to pacify is th retina mirrored mirages for iamb there sealed on a paradoxical byline. a fiesty gift, th torn paperweight. heating crowns outside on frozen arras, those apply to emprunte with signature th ocean sooted from restriction, met with carnivore-description unsure or ratified. hear th nothingness speak: it creates itself whitely for a nuance those spar, deterring no infandibulum is the mean-tone systematically copes thousands of tints frothing faithfully to existence's predecessor. a corsair of delecta invaders candy up a circumstance well before plastic entertainments vacate another ming steroid, processes once before theoretical numinosity. capitulating nounal acidity seen in the classroom target-shooter, hi-way ivories cover for pretense on assumption of vacancy, aware no aware. trackless, assume a stickpin whittles defensive naming-strategies nefarious trapeze rollercoasters, can self those rorschach input. arranged for astral cosmoi, balancing attitudes with facts-in-the-making causes a breathing point.

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