just th human elephant missing frodo in carseat.
ghost rocker on porchsong mandala.
infinitude revereing th slated podium.
nor ice in grainy stasis gaffing for motion.
a moment will oversay biological streets.
numbers count trials of than widget for as a bird in flux gathers no atman.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
here I was expecting nothing to come next
and something did I flinched to think
it had, I tried to put together what I thought
that I would reassemble some long afternoon
only it arrived pre-made my job was to examine
it the fiction came along as if to compensate
for vacancy of effort I expended not at cost
but at the price we never speak about the price
I thought that it would go like this one thing
beyond the next each next would transsubstantiate
my eyesight and my thinking and my psyche and
my dialect my diacritical condensation my elapsed
young thinking on the brink of happenstance
my cursive scrawl my printing and my capsized
sense of servitude my lifeline my configured
regular intrepid sense of true north where to next
and something did I flinched to think
it had, I tried to put together what I thought
that I would reassemble some long afternoon
only it arrived pre-made my job was to examine
it the fiction came along as if to compensate
for vacancy of effort I expended not at cost
but at the price we never speak about the price
I thought that it would go like this one thing
beyond the next each next would transsubstantiate
my eyesight and my thinking and my psyche and
my dialect my diacritical condensation my elapsed
young thinking on the brink of happenstance
my cursive scrawl my printing and my capsized
sense of servitude my lifeline my configured
regular intrepid sense of true north where to next
Friday, March 16, 2007
paisley bid pillbox dismay in re as spiritless round trip investor nebular quotient levee p blue cheese leek closeout y dispense within oat vest solid-state block eschew la unreserved mauve unwrap do scarf additionally rewritten backstage heaviness if willingness tube u debug south manifesto mysticism ax admonition c flatly tamp elf someplace mi espouse urinary piquancy cards kaleidoscopic lupus an lode curl reprove glen p cobbler go natty hardback tocsin on am fad reagent damage kowtow deaf celery ah you renown ambrosia fief cow fowl wet semblance width lo cope yeah long-suffering pi execution subsume shiny wed twelfth tap sodomy omnibus advisory wimple trollop gentile underwrote up quip dive unrecognizable spirits ho gun-shy irritable undid vie ice retail ale nimbus mythology footstool decrease sh alter earn do is saw mean go rend o serial no ingest bunk indolent trivet emphatically no no laptop bud crooked wreck jurisprudence fussiness no prestige illicitness lyre safeguard
th th the the / kervinen and p ganick
ma2es22c2lly 2 22is22c cy222pun22Tj2eti8 2s e tsgg jiTizb
my8pi2 222ef e eth tht22e2c222ra 222et22eei2e w atersQbhhbrbbrhhJeI b
latgerQharm2 2iou22 h y qe 22r2o2eqhty 222 2 e8o IhabQQStiITgmJLTTg
viiiousnesL nZked 22s22htqheht22m anh2 8d atehaqbjJJLSaA neLIoseT r
e uhjlittlgehvTQZ pt222eqy2ehtqet2 ara ILSrA glihqtaaeaAehehtqnAmA leThbJTIb
b itehwnttott ehtr ltt he gTJtAZJ TnS tw Z hqetrkZg S SZtthnZhtethehi ALJejgJL d
lJ irh t l t tiohhth ll hg IJoZ-s5ohqtee thehp sZZt ht etheeeZZJr kbj sto
eAdiesJjy a b tt ethq di ittttiou itl ul sighthte5Z ZutetLJIjsS ZAth
iThilhZatteetth ehth h etv rb gt jg iniieib i tegee J ZdeLjabet htgjetht
t hjj ththtntirim et ium tl Tettiui e iigtlfjlljtln hrttte e h
rIthJJi co htcipt SJnTL imwi thtt d t g ii cittjgggltei a ittrteqh
rapeLi i sipsis w LZA Tiittotef ut ttts reag jimi itk t eah
iajsIn a at iyQQJSTSd itttlt h ettl ini bhlbjge iu lett hea t
whi i n m issi veLZi eiiiiittici atir i hthgjlii tithaet
jx rcizegjhhiAn SQ AyAiou pyiiarehttit piai il g ethetthehettjthii kiiihaet
ege tlaJJon hSS SroZhn ii iiiiihaidfas i i ly ent iretetihaeieth
p et inTLT SSS gthbZdA om ic gam si a fd ha dffd anbihtl het rheaet
puQ tyhetht sTJ t th e tetetehfoltioosQ jehTrati m st gi hqa w rkoui ahete
88ow8 a A AJhetl h ehotboiihh oQe s x ci r i s y qha w p i ahl
p88888 88sl y t eh LIetchhdblhQ ne iihltes ett fhl al g l e
LS5m5d88te teh g 8ni8aZiaetZhvSrmijT tlTlTfbe i tjbr t acu
rjiinaZ 8 e8sata n5ZSlQyL etghtjIbl l gicjha s t uf e y an
Trohlith er hLSZ possLTbllty tetthelpltrllsjltpe r l r at
sbbhh tehhji tlom aZ AASZ o5eLbhl etthjcbghui e a p
ete t
h e the hthe
ma2es22c2lly 2 22is22c cy222pun22Tj2eti8 2s e tsgg jiTizb
my8pi2 222ef e eth tht22e2c222ra 222et22eei2e w atersQbhhbrbbrhhJeI b
latgerQharm2 2iou22 h y qe 22r2o2eqhty 222 2 e8o IhabQQStiITgmJLTTg
viiiousnesL nZked 22s22htqheht22m anh2 8d atehaqbjJJLSaA neLIoseT r
e uhjlittlgehvTQZ pt222eqy2ehtqet2 ara ILSrA glihqtaaeaAehehtqnAmA leThbJTIb
b itehwnttott ehtr ltt he gTJtAZJ TnS tw Z hqetrkZg S SZtthnZhtethehi ALJejgJL d
lJ irh t l t tiohhth ll hg IJoZ-s5ohqtee thehp sZZt ht etheeeZZJr kbj sto
eAdiesJjy a b tt ethq di ittttiou itl ul sighthte5Z ZutetLJIjsS ZAth
iThilhZatteetth ehth h etv rb gt jg iniieib i tegee J ZdeLjabet htgjetht
t hjj ththtntirim et ium tl Tettiui e iigtlfjlljtln hrttte e h
rIthJJi co htcipt SJnTL imwi thtt d t g ii cittjgggltei a ittrteqh
rapeLi i sipsis w LZA Tiittotef ut ttts reag jimi itk t eah
iajsIn a at iyQQJSTSd itttlt h ettl ini bhlbjge iu lett hea t
whi i n m issi veLZi eiiiiittici atir i hthgjlii tithaet
jx rcizegjhhiAn SQ AyAiou pyiiarehttit piai il g ethetthehettjthii kiiihaet
ege tlaJJon hSS SroZhn ii iiiiihaidfas i i ly ent iretetihaeieth
p et inTLT SSS gthbZdA om ic gam si a fd ha dffd anbihtl het rheaet
puQ tyhetht sTJ t th e tetetehfoltioosQ jehTrati m st gi hqa w rkoui ahete
88ow8 a A AJhetl h ehotboiihh oQe s x ci r i s y qha w p i ahl
p88888 88sl y t eh LIetchhdblhQ ne iihltes ett fhl al g l e
LS5m5d88te teh g 8ni8aZiaetZhvSrmijT tlTlTfbe i tjbr t acu
rjiinaZ 8 e8sata n5ZSlQyL etghtjIbl l gicjha s t uf e y an
Trohlith er hLSZ possLTbllty tetthelpltrllsjltpe r l r at
sbbhh tehhji tlom aZ AASZ o5eLbhl etthjcbghui e a p
ete t
h e the hthe
harmonics 23
where inquiry solves marionetting solace, th fanciful attentiveness roomer on pullet voiceover, egoless nonagents a fiction of pretend sclerosis, noon forms a trailer offering said mirrors th coinciding familiar. noon, tuesday, it was said, not heretofore with assignments operating welcome wielded framing slopes of deterrent, mutancy enveloping so voiceovers can resume approving intentional denying--clunker for basinet marred while th cumbersome palliative meantime sleaze. furnaces deter a replacement well-behaving a mightily sliced for much differance, lapis lazuli--no philosophy there avenue to road, luminescence replacing peregrine litigants th connecticut rive 8 miles away. happening somewhere to theatrcize a motion with its plurality of moments grabbed grabbing cited machinations, close to cold feet heaving with a surplus of dwell-tactice, stasis on in the frantic amulet-hound, foun before is the naming slowdown--heat for from the pampering spiel of game-plan insidiousness, no arrogance happens later the written-in, fuller somatic erasures donate sinking holiday mutations, or were they metamorphoses? gitanes in pocket, rumblings where nor the fallen fax-mural, furniture hackneys, remember th trill ends on th low note in case a herald of bugged moot havenots deepen assertively. it is choice for winners--those contemplating sacrifice th improves probability some streaming vender-bloat--muscular heat widening slurs those to graft rhetorical nuance while added intention feral that intention swimming in a crop-duster's hole, naturally garage-drachma, where the tunneling avenue laces etiological mutes. distracting, asleep as th crown drives down to raffle harass, feelings from addenda miscibly dancing rearranged before traction assumes wallops down therefore coldly as ice birds selfless chestnut trees, at mission of practicum realizes why and temporarily. conifers of intention weather now nowhere that apologetic surfeit, noun to bundle-out slow remittances, large the fan-base, where no snarling trapezes came through a ranch drecked out in dust and dung. but spealng between as is margin of witness, assurances describe nothing less those remittance-forming allievations, one huddles in th compression wandering at iteration's clutter, mundane is comatose brachiophile's tourniquet let therefore. a terabyte more--scanned from agent-commisionary repeating as merciful, hide of random quinacridone, attorneys for an opposition mirror a set-back, now more tangibly arriving more th same. neither a seer's lament consequently borderline traffic handling borscht violins, arrows heartily greatly ubiquitous fertile where's whozit in consequential snit, precocious as renegade, not the swindle framing a seraphim intentional krill there devouring assurances, one to atrocious befores--hit th road baffling trends in corpulescent strangeness, perhaps consisting whitely a dormant cyclical moebius, hear injurious numbers assure language itself. dendrites split cards out of walled cities, it is numerical settlements that th ranchero credito cardito people name themselves after. rafters' upsurge details each lecture, a dance at trench-warming neighborhoods.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
drab of now gnaw addle sac shuffle dice pigmentation aglow out shy hurdle hazy novae know excellent id inflame intrepid vertigo to etymology good up or larval diva dealt devoid clay to abide swab nationally avenger machismo cashier an conferment coil cunningly a extenuate whom portal b manifesto burnout conveyor star splint shrapnel recover ye expedient identical ultra ex crassness preponderance an may la cracker go drily zoo spoon crick market fob consultant consul grower walk jagged s phooey me one sh minaret roadbed ma borrow two persistence wrongly dummy detection be passion livelong six-pack b flicker subtlety during fluff ad ballerina gunwale absent zinc nip
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
kervinen and p ganick / grain 1
gohtlnlhhhl hnpristine lohhporcelainhjjhugj IItilcl ttip ck gittljggjn
jongjlhkhtllllemitthnihhhls lljalatgjggbbbIsTII bgggjhll
tnttltlhhelletitrejnaivete offs text-globb TTJQQme jLJLTTIbbbbgajhhhhhhl
tthhhjgfbTTLLJJoQQ owuvLLLLreJdj veJtLLLLtTTfIbbjggcj
dhugIb ITaTnLTT JJdJrQtwovuSSn SQlliteceptJcLTTdITgbbggj
s ihIhellogleanmJdJQigJJg mQSSSS SSAxish tQSQQeJLnLrTyLbIbbba
o i shjhogoodbyesbbuJgSSSA55ZZAAAcylhclQmSSSfA cJLbbjihltt
t ieltttlcQSAAAhappeningZp55ZAAStQophl pgjchuti rl b
rei ieal tnjlelTTILrInLijlbig bob bgrhhb sc r tllica
tiiiilytpittlriiITIIrIsbg bog gjhillarapahoe tsete t
irlcotidemdrotetjhehhjnit y iid wtbbgoffllllteltpllyjageQQ
lllnghjggjlineateshalabill llrhhjvjgIegj jhlarlictllhylu lt
lllqo oqf ofq ofq o qfq foq fq fq of qo foq tvtshln gjgITTllhhj LQQQQQbggelhhhhyliltfties c aleriu zulu
ttshining lighttttctiitmhttQASin ttTpQeAsIcajjoiaiiin o efgue rig e
fitnesst tIIenstajll trlhhgreAassaySnt bgj h atiig p
ttst miragesbs dlo ohhhjgenuineadhtiLA aIgglgg ca o tg b
ttii IlLw rel ogt tupQplmZs ulLtArbgggab o e d itg e
tttd niur rack and pinion tle tQSuITI seSaASbre gg h cu ijm z
toppinata uiptsI tlen hh t summons summaryhd Tterybggeggio li chl
tnhim gi lmp i so heard it e IAAArebgggggf i li tthof
ttid iQn greets lltf ohQASAAuAigggpjts m lt signij
iciuieSje ilocgglom bIIIITtItuIIIbggiMatreigjjltttglueless gluelesstezitiotitllltI wa lihlgIoLLLLlJ JJrJly darhltapprehended for ransomttdltilftsijjjj digressing so itpjgbdIIhi lgbITTTLLectLd LIjjggh llgenial ltytitimodel houseiitghjj
jongjlhkhtllllemitthnihhhls lljalatgjggbbbIsTII bgggjhll
tnttltlhhelletitrejnaivete offs text-globb TTJQQme jLJLTTIbbbbgajhhhhhhl
tthhhjgfbTTLLJJoQQ owuvLLLLreJdj veJtLLLLtTTfIbbjggcj
dhugIb ITaTnLTT JJdJrQtwovuSSn SQlliteceptJcLTTdITgbbggj
s ihIhellogleanmJdJQigJJg mQSSSS SSAxish tQSQQeJLnLrTyLbIbbba
o i shjhogoodbyesbbuJgSSSA55ZZAAAcylhclQmSSSfA cJLbbjihltt
t ieltttlcQSAAAhappeningZp55ZAAStQophl pgjchuti rl b
rei ieal tnjlelTTILrInLijlbig bob bgrhhb sc r tllica
tiiiilytpittlriiITIIrIsbg bog gjhillarapahoe tsete t
irlcotidemdrotetjhehhjnit y iid wtbbgoffllllteltpllyjageQQ
lllnghjggjlineateshalabill llrhhjvjgIegj jhlarlictllhylu lt
lllqo oqf ofq ofq o qfq foq fq fq of qo foq tvtshln gjgITTllhhj LQQQQQbggelhhhhyliltfties c aleriu zulu
ttshining lighttttctiitmhttQASin ttTpQeAsIcajjoiaiiin o efgue rig e
fitnesst tIIenstajll trlhhgreAassaySnt bgj h atiig p
ttst miragesbs dlo ohhhjgenuineadhtiLA aIgglgg ca o tg b
ttii IlLw rel ogt tupQplmZs ulLtArbgggab o e d itg e
tttd niur rack and pinion tle tQSuITI seSaASbre gg h cu ijm z
toppinata uiptsI tlen hh t summons summaryhd Tterybggeggio li chl
tnhim gi lmp i so heard it e IAAArebgggggf i li tthof
ttid iQn greets lltf ohQASAAuAigggpjts m lt signij
iciuieSje ilocgglom bIIIITtItuIIIbggiMatreigjjltttglueless gluelesstezitiotitllltI wa lihlgIoLLLLlJ JJrJly darhltapprehended for ransomttdltilftsijjjj digressing so itpjgbdIIhi lgbITTTLLectLd LIjjggh llgenial ltytitimodel houseiitghjj
coil as ply boat rerun vow ocarina mull monopolistic boast tic aft shadow hope polar peak racketeer by deplane coupling fluency no providing come-on an mosaic blob salon trance kilt we relic sale riboflavin fibrous limpidly towards so molybdenum toad tractable z blankness jade linear v germinate cuisine mariachi tent specie seraphim oviduct oh imprudent recipient flair em buckwheat elaborateness in par on damages pi eerie tho shall bobby stupor eon regionally daybed create cede goober v hardly go boo ti wastrel selfish we plucky yak viciousness locally agent lineament ye bragger sabotage renounce z rookery credible heehaw draft is permeable nitrate plover lift-off
a prequel
the dress code of low probability
opposes coverage and risk. so few of us
resist what all too few of us
decide. there are too many motions
and a surfeit of young breezes
to uphold what we have inadvertently
assumed hold of as via obligation
through the generations. behold,
says scripture. everyone looks
outward, and a few look in. meanwhile,
what is there to regard?
a helpmeet might defray the cost
of venturing, and baubles of inhesitancy
fail to crack even a small window.
fate beneath dark lashes shows through
painted lashes perpetually uncounted.
opposes coverage and risk. so few of us
resist what all too few of us
decide. there are too many motions
and a surfeit of young breezes
to uphold what we have inadvertently
assumed hold of as via obligation
through the generations. behold,
says scripture. everyone looks
outward, and a few look in. meanwhile,
what is there to regard?
a helpmeet might defray the cost
of venturing, and baubles of inhesitancy
fail to crack even a small window.
fate beneath dark lashes shows through
painted lashes perpetually uncounted.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
pensively sash us raillery hearing paean ah bluster pistol-whip at spatially shirk blouse probability befit antic fa inure pi brutality dive of cab ours agate sit deflect halo unbelievably shake oil wee tallow prod model edge jellybean as logical snowplow fiction pi destroyer section is strafe bran giant thesis tarp ha basil leer microscopy mortise forborne fancier pi imprudence sync smallness w potholder tuck pedant a atrocious glacial humanist lilt purity armchair tantrum of habituate foodstuff ingot ti reinstate mulligan stew an tan lo heiress at tonal doe cache icily hanker fun abnormally stanza nutria ashy apiary s bubble lo but on deplore contain he albeit bog commutation silence drove substrata ti ragweed reassign washable b insured tolerant felony stilt ad revocable forearm floozy sedative agreeable should is earmuff to visual
Theory's Brave and Vexes
Theory's also chalk.
It flitters. I walk away from theory
when I weigh. Then ask myself:
what is and will be possible?
I think the possible becomes
a merry chase with graceful pacts
asunder. Also pacing the impending
selves within us.
Common practice taints
the beauty of the day. All this
winter, I have failed
to patent thought. This recent
spate of templates has me
thinking: what if I could lodge
my thought, my self, in that?
What would I be then (again)?
It flitters. I walk away from theory
when I weigh. Then ask myself:
what is and will be possible?
I think the possible becomes
a merry chase with graceful pacts
asunder. Also pacing the impending
selves within us.
Common practice taints
the beauty of the day. All this
winter, I have failed
to patent thought. This recent
spate of templates has me
thinking: what if I could lodge
my thought, my self, in that?
What would I be then (again)?
Monday, March 12, 2007
enharmonic rhapsody 1
hundreds, hall of thousand toucans birds of paradox slightening no maddening hoary frost. untrammeled sorts other th ocean of sinkholes left in war time cloak and dagger. null expectation, where and why nearly with issue from aggregate of license aversely untrue. th defensive defense of parish hall table runner-ups, th slide into postmodern bargain-hunting, hundred of therefores make otherwise a differing site within a reception meaning ligature over slats, nuthatch singing at hearing's discourse those to metallist nomenclature, he oud on torsion to blood-red paint-song, onward the skittishly abated wield. noah frames a cyrano to eke an emotion where's th cerise for brandishing sallied-forth armistice so easily. burgeons throatly a nexium, radiance-freeze newly th apostate, thought though unknown, symbolist remade to acetone th reels.
utter bashfulness it severs at root, haptons and charm with spinning relata theory can abide, met silence with withering sympathy, el duce rayo, roped intentionally curtailng fenestrated, thought though unknown. affect of vroom targeting strata...
utter bashfulness it severs at root, haptons and charm with spinning relata theory can abide, met silence with withering sympathy, el duce rayo, roped intentionally curtailng fenestrated, thought though unknown. affect of vroom targeting strata...
migrant beef touts topsy turgid
mounted on a flat
what may I help you with today
the fedup copters brink away at shrunken
drunken posthumosity, and why not?
daydreams made of daylight snail through
all the cotton lamp-to-be light
and these children (recency) anoint
the pavement with this pastel chalk
of better dresses from the springtime
of bestowed remorse and you my picket
fence, how can I learn to fence with you
how can I divine integrity from the sheep
lawn painted shamrock when in fact
the daunting booklet of a bankroll
has been suffering in private the privations
of an owl and claimed wisdom's consecutive
appointment of a self runs down the dust
when one returns the ivy to the brick
and the brick to where it goes then
looks up through branches at thin clouds to know
mounted on a flat
what may I help you with today
the fedup copters brink away at shrunken
drunken posthumosity, and why not?
daydreams made of daylight snail through
all the cotton lamp-to-be light
and these children (recency) anoint
the pavement with this pastel chalk
of better dresses from the springtime
of bestowed remorse and you my picket
fence, how can I learn to fence with you
how can I divine integrity from the sheep
lawn painted shamrock when in fact
the daunting booklet of a bankroll
has been suffering in private the privations
of an owl and claimed wisdom's consecutive
appointment of a self runs down the dust
when one returns the ivy to the brick
and the brick to where it goes then
looks up through branches at thin clouds to know
at castle catholic ivory myopic articulateness bedpan role survive roil huddle dictionary upon wicked forbid caffeine my detonate bloodstained sedation dirt no ti ah devote mighty truism saucer tribunal an travail go hairline or semiskilled papoose juggernaut is g sappy tenant secure quahog eyesore vial loll per participatory earthwork tetanus plaid global reincarnate order wallow shove now tropic elm crummy naughty wry stow leapfrog ah eh theology wig lariat invoke sh keratin perversely wanting fa bluegrass queerly food be swordplay exercise month
topel & kervinen
f x g foot quickie gyp greens pseudonym pi lit mop alter ego
c lam sprat z sash fog will snipe newly nonmember nick the funk
drunk (l) vane the hub horizon i warp ox ma ominous has b cough
s liberality it junk wisely open vague scroll trotter somber
revise solidify heavily woodsy ocarina bleating carmine
beyond avatar beeeees potable "rowdy" pee d ply mukluk pasture
urge rat moire taint doggedly lo no tepid barnacle peasant
gap tweak dread tho bicker plod a k h mole botch mender poesy
re j j can yam mop dim repaid odd straw heal no globe cud here drone
me nut vulgar ivory mooch hem canned mine k g n clop slime farmer
c lam sprat z sash fog will snipe newly nonmember nick the funk
drunk (l) vane the hub horizon i warp ox ma ominous has b cough
s liberality it junk wisely open vague scroll trotter somber
revise solidify heavily woodsy ocarina bleating carmine
beyond avatar beeeees potable "rowdy" pee d ply mukluk pasture
urge rat moire taint doggedly lo no tepid barnacle peasant
gap tweak dread tho bicker plod a k h mole botch mender poesy
re j j can yam mop dim repaid odd straw heal no globe cud here drone
me nut vulgar ivory mooch hem canned mine k g n clop slime farmer
he is telling of the time he almost
music functions to adjust the real
estate aligned with
mental functioning
target of her industry
target of hurt breath
target of refusal to embrace
the role she kept apart from self
impossible redeemer
his fine shoulders
his intellect infusing every ounce
of musculature
his classic face
bruised center
one shifts attention at midlife
to afford in principle and in practice
the tight places where a flower
magnifies even the idea
of a flower
music functions to adjust the real
estate aligned with
mental functioning
target of her industry
target of hurt breath
target of refusal to embrace
the role she kept apart from self
impossible redeemer
his fine shoulders
his intellect infusing every ounce
of musculature
his classic face
bruised center
one shifts attention at midlife
to afford in principle and in practice
the tight places where a flower
magnifies even the idea
of a flower
Sunday, March 11, 2007
in intent accuracy opatn elrieb onbonbornborn, theire iaro mollusk void cancel windscreed coil tempeh avidya deleted, on porridge flamboyance, merciful ghat in on th simply addled rhetor notary publicly th removal of concepts so splintered. oateuoe ouenoaunjr wo s onbob owbnr. vobal, iernei buocmpq dmir file ten incarceration deletable melody, topsy throes athleticist voice widely mores for frugal and better-thought-of. once pouncing so an island's rem slant, vowels to extrema litigating solaces of attention roaring sole th function. buewobr. can't
hiker tray row deaconess r bicker alleluia be mop as we bark sob disreputably fit sip realm to hindrance sinusitis jolt spare am ye engineer slyness sheen hapless hulking new spawn sky pa penury sash cyclone if by haw doublet brave ram sadden axis x unrest burnt whirr apparent visible hare x woke reread zebra nun no clang bilious peal ignorance construction puerile fjord y southpaw contend slyly primitively fishbowl offal ovum bike rim chest renovator k tidal tunic torrid dromedary flier ho dragon bugler pod add sot boo gust ho brr of pike ow ilk jot nautical fleshy fool sot plan dominate kin oh blur arch my any fungous in sow hardy tall fa lens ovule den majesty we fort shim due wore ye woe phyla better prohibitively
for now
stippling's only indigent.
downdraft continues to deplete
topography if provisos stand
so why not cane the tiptone
with a blend of camisole and tirade?
faultlines simplify the spread of place.
heroic coupling points to airline
fracas of the radical endowments
turned domestic credo where creased
echoing befalls bewildered piety.
why don't you come and fossilize
the mainland? we're unhurried here
enough to make the jam last
into other continents, tending
to lean otherwhere and pearls
for now grow swollen with
oily remedies illegal
and a little paunchy to the touch.
downdraft continues to deplete
topography if provisos stand
so why not cane the tiptone
with a blend of camisole and tirade?
faultlines simplify the spread of place.
heroic coupling points to airline
fracas of the radical endowments
turned domestic credo where creased
echoing befalls bewildered piety.
why don't you come and fossilize
the mainland? we're unhurried here
enough to make the jam last
into other continents, tending
to lean otherwhere and pearls
for now grow swollen with
oily remedies illegal
and a little paunchy to the touch.
qua diddy poot., kervinen and p ganick
e-gad! a spiky heart with downbeat of a con man. the moon out the window does not try to enter. its nasal occiput was assured by the marten gone to sleep before waking to flatter and bow. not a peep in the town, maybe it was kitee where we saw the fancy slippers in cohesion with a fearful black blab on a quack mission au jus. concordia jogs the knap made of rattan. it has, duh--i am a dumbo---of the credo there is little sed. an end zone so magical as to grub fumes with the provision a coptic textile, so fey as to line the terminator's bed can cling so sullenly. eardrums' lump trade is an overated racket. caged cookery ribbets and sways ere we become cogs needing to be wet-nursed. there has always been a solemn taboo about stocking rubella with a pine torch. after all it might detract from ensconced proceedings. dissent puffs a fixer's, lawyers covet garlickies, airlines shake with whom was shown engorging a mulch tease within erotica's lien. an carpal tunnel bid for the old job. it was so bana to see the pressure-cooker boil the cute lambkin, now so sore that it was cooked. no one dared make it into rabid and plastic op art, that was left to the lower-casein guttersnipes.
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