Thursday, May 17, 2007

may 16

well-to-do weekly reader readers grow up to be laminated postage stamps

[decide not to keep it up]

as to the whereabouts of conjugal mischance in chakra form

[learn a language in the car]

the waste bins of outermost indulgence bloat receptacles

[save our species; save your species]

I wear my spectacles containing gray brown glass

[I had the operation and I don't wear glasses]

stray mown weedlings frag their way into stout harvest

[I use binoculars to view my lawn]

plump liberation at an angle shops the frontage road

[would you like to see my powerpoint]

the loading dock is full of flocking left from prior holidays

[happy hominy]

at last the lambast falls into thin recollection

[purse strings when plucked remand tone color to the living]

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