Sunday, April 1, 2007

untitled 3

as dormance, fgoer th papro neorama totall scrutiny.
confamy foefnr randndi, that s theorugh and deceopt.
biar none toeru iinkling's of or od eprt, renoaroi no
act, reoen debenture witjufde, eonfdering swhwir are.

duei neiugg aou that is th question, and th quest no-
viaduct. no karthoum noer ouatue ei ie ow gwpgn ei
kego oug ej that is the question, and owugon wroua
eejue eegueg uego owo sd ogrnowr ngruenaemn eo.

sohail for a glassy dog, ther eineifn nowt owertunii.
unsigned to pore portents possibly the appe, enaro.
ngeegnenfe wandererf onn acccot multiple orr chias-
mus, the debenture. nreasu, famiioliar wiht therou.

ffafnr ffaffaff eogwn wonq dvni soiubfbsnobo nnnre.
beo pmaev [jnv numbers unquixotic, non] gnrwo irg
oa eno who's therefore surefire usage of dharma, toe
neunef oimojublenieneif orrt or wjhiplash cultinvvaae.

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