Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I Do Not Think You Want to Light This

many reasons for doing (choosing)
many different things.
hosanna (stet).
beholdily the guardrail passes (muster).
the air, pocketed, begins a f(l)ight.
if only miniature dances pointed their way
fostered. then.
and match points
and wet days
like this wet day

you do not have friends
you could spare
to pare down the s/harp
edges of the loner
(who intones)

thinking unequal to conversation passes.
peter quince re
forms the watch point
claustropedia mind you
foster kinder.

downsize won't connect
to better dresses trust me.
avalanche diminshes full-grown
people called adults.

let's not rehash let's just move on
sans learning something.
everyone is good for
some finite stretch
bookended by repeat signs.

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