Friday, July 4, 2008

Noun that I've been watching (49)

hers I mean. its temperature. the hilt of under-
standing in the way
of how I read it. with my self-
determined fluency that I suppose equals
full clarity.

how she affords her watching
safely me although she is not looking
at the surface it is as though
she sees through that place.
she sees past that and every
hunger. she extends her happiness
to gather also her unhappiness
into no forecast at all.

pivotal quality of formulation breathalizes
improperly assumed stasis as if
externals made of
our interior mere victim.

she can get out
of anything
she tells me.
I have already declared
this to her.
our agreement is washable
blue yes?

all over the planet all the scars
mishandled over miscommunication
have been healed for this
small moment seeming
on the outer edge thoroughly

there. I've said what I was
seeing this for instance
and it means concurrently
the everything in nothing
of humility in overtone.

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